Replica Air Guns

ASG Aluminium LMG/CA25 Cylinder Head - Version 10

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$ 25.12

Total: $25.12

The Ultimate Upgrade Series cylinder head is expertly CNC machined from aluminum and then anodized, featuring distinct color coding for easy identification. These heads are crafted with dual rubber seals to effectively reduce compression loss from the cylinder. A unique 'trumpet design' is incorporated to ensure maximum air flow to the barrel/BB. Additionally, these cylinder heads are equipped with a robust, integrated rubber band that diminishes the impact from the piston head.

Designed specifically for version 10 gearboxes, particularly LMG/CA25 models, these cylinder heads are aluminum colored.

Ultimate's cylinder components are engineered for optimal air compression and lasting durability. Therefore, it's advised to consistently use Ultimate cylinder parts exclusively, avoiding any mix or match with different upgrade parts, as this could impact the overall results and effectiveness of the upgrade.

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