CenterPoint - Recurve Compact Crossbow

Total: $149.99

Type: Compact Recurve Crossbow.
Manufacturer: CenterPoint.
Model: CenterPoint Hornet.
Materials: Fiberglass, metal & plastic.
Weight: 2.25 pounds (1 kilograms).
Length: 22-24 inches.
Propulsion: Recurve Bow.
Action: Single action trigger.
Ammunition Type: Aluminum bolts (Comes with 3x 146 grain).
Ammunition Capacity: 1.
FPS: 191fps.
Draw weight: 80 pounds.

Trigger Pull: The trigger pull on the CenterPoint Hornet Recurve Compact Crossbow is a single action only trigger as you need ot cock the bow in order for the trigger to be engaged. The trigger mechanism basically just pushes the bow string up and over the lip of the rail releasing it so there is a bit of friction and I would say it is about 10 pounds maybe a bit less. The safety is also engaged when you cock the bow requiring you to take the CenterPoint Hornet Recurve Compact Crossbow off safe before shooting as an added layer of safety.

Accuracy: In terns of velocity, CenterPoint claims a velocity of 191 fps. We were able to get consistently just over 180 fps so pretty close. Our Chrono readings using the included 147 grain 6.5 inch aluminum bolts ranged from 180 to 182 fps so very consistent. This gave an overall Foot Pound energy of 10.61 foot pounds so velocity and foot pound energy were just a little bit under the claimed rating! This is enough for small pests for sure, it really comes down to accuracy at this point as you will want to get either a head or shoulder area shot for a humane kill, and we are not sure if this bow is up of the job? You will have to see how accurate it will be for you and make that decision for yourself. In terms of accuracy we found the CenterPoint Hornet Recurve Compact Crossbow to be fairly accuracy on the windage side (left and right), basically with all the bolts only being about 2 inches apart side to side. Where it did not perform as well was in elevation with the bolts ranging about 8 inches top to bottom. We are not sure why this was the case as the velocity is very consistent and generally less consistent velocities account for elevation changes. All the bolts hit the target using the included red dot with no pre adjustments but it did shoot just a bit to the right and maybe overall a bit low. This can easily be corrected using the red dot windage and elevation adjustments.

Build Quality: The CenterPoint Hornet Recurve Compact Crossbow is actually made pretty decently, yes it is mostly plastic and light weight but feels sturdy enough to hold, the bow itself is fiberglass and the only real metal we can confirm is the cocking rail, mostly everything else other than the nuts and bolts that hold it together are some sort of plastic, The only part that does not feel up to par with the quality is the included red dot, it is fairly entry level but we are sure it will get the job done, and if it stops getting the job done at some point you can upgrade it then, or simply use the included rear iron sight which is fully adjustable.

Realism: The CenterPoint Hornet Recurve Compact Crossbow is not a Replica as is what we usually review here on the channel. But we think there is a crossover in terms of interest for a product like this with people that are also interested in Airguns. The other benefit is that it has a lot more power than a non regulated Airgun as the CenterPoint Hornet Recurve Compact Crossbow uses nice heavy 146 grain bolts traveling at almost 200 fps which gives an energy rating of around 12 foot pounds. So if raw power is what you are after, then this is your best option for something still compact if you do not have a firearms license.


  • Fairly inexpensive.
  • Super light weight and compact.
  • More power than an Airgun yet still quiet to shoot so you can use discreetly just about anywhere with a good back stop setup.
  • Easy to draw the bow using the stock for leverage.
  • Safety is automatically engaged.
  • Picatinny rail already has iron fully adjustable rear sight and comes with a very basic red dot sight to get you started.
  • Fiber optic front sight.
  • 3 bolts included.
  • 191 fps (12ft/lbs).
  • Comes with fore grip.
  • 5 portion adjustable rear but stock.


  • Will need a good backstop or will lose lots of bolts.
  • Takes a little bit of time to set it up but not too hard, just follow the steps in the manual.
  • Careful not to wash you hadn't or thumb with the string (Ouchy).

Comments: The CenterPoint Hornet Recurve Compact Crossbow is a nice crossover product that appeals to Airgun enthusiasts as it does not require a firearms license and can be used in a lot more locations than a standard gun. It also has decent power as compared to a non regulated Airgun hitting 12 foot pounds which is at least 4x more than most non regulated Airguns can achieve. In terms of pest control, it does have the power required for small pests but accuracy is not going to be as good as an Airgun so hitting the rather small sweet spot on a small pest is not going to be easy and you want to be humane about it, so make sure if you do plan on using this for some sort of pest control, that you practice your accuracy and are confident in your shot placement. Personally we would just enjoy shooting it as a target bow that literally cost you nothing after purchase as long as you don’t lose the bolts.

Buy the Pack of Bolts: CNP1002.

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CenterPoint Hornet Recurve Compact Crossbow Kit Table Top Review

CenterPoint Hornet Recurve Compact Crossbow Kit Table Top Review

890 - 7/19/2024 5:57:09 PM Type: Compact Recurve Crossbow. Manufacturer: CenterPoint. Model: CenterPoint Hornet. Materials: Fiberglass, metal & plastic. Weight: 2.25 pounds (1 kilograms). Length: 22-24 inches. Propulsion: Recurve Bow. Action: Single action trigger. Ammunition Type: Aluminum bolts (Comes with 3x 146 grain). Ammunition Capacity: 1. FPS: 191fps. Draw weight: 80 pounds. The CenterPoint Hornet Recurve Compact Crossbow is a nice crossover product that appeals to Airgun enthusiasts as it does not require a firearms license and can be used in a lot more locations than a standard gun. It also has decent power as compared to a non regulated Airgun hitting 12 foot pounds which is at least 4x more than most non regulated Airguns can achieve. In terms of pest control, it does have the power required for small pests but accuracy is not going to be as good as an Airgun so hitting the rather small sweet spot on a small pest is not going to be easy and you want to be humane about it, so make sure if you do plan on using this for some sort of pest control, that you practice your accuracy and are confident in your shot placement. Personally I would just enjoy shooting it as a target bow that literally cost you nothing after purchase as long as you don’t lose the bolts. Read my full written review here: Buy the CenterPoint Hornet Recurve Compact Crossbow Kit in Canada: Buy Compact Crossbows in the US:

CenterPoint Hornet Recurve Compact Crossbow Kit Field Test Review

CenterPoint Hornet Recurve Compact Crossbow Kit Field Test Review

284 - 7/20/2024 6:24:49 PM Type: Compact Recurve Crossbow. Manufacturer: CenterPoint. Model: CenterPoint Hornet. Materials: Fiberglass, metal & plastic. Weight: 2.25 pounds (1 kilograms). Length: 22-24 inches. Propulsion: Recurve Bow. Action: Single action trigger. Ammunition Type: Aluminum bolts (Comes with 3x 146 grain). Ammunition Capacity: 1. FPS: 191fps. Draw weight: 80 pounds. Interestingly the CenterPoint Hornet Recurve Compact Crossbow has a higher claimed velocity over the Bear X Desire XL Crossbow I tested a while back, yet the Bear X Desire XL Crossbow actually shot a bit faster hitting 190+ fps, not a huge difference but an interesting observation. The CenterPoint Hornet Recurve Compact Crossbow does come with a red dot but both have Picatinny Rails so Red Dots will fit on both Crossbows no problem. I am going to address the elephant in the room, if you compare both of these Crossbows they are virtually the same with the exception of the branding and distribution of them. So I would say get either one, the Bear X Desire XL Crossbow is actually less money as it does not come with an included Red Dot but at least right now it is out of stock so your only option may the the CenterPoint Hornet Recurve Compact Crossbow, both are a lot of fun and pack a lot more punch than your standard non regulated Air Rifle. Read my full written review here: Buy the CenterPoint Hornet Recurve Compact Crossbow Kit in Canada: Buy Compact Crossbows in the US:

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