BAAL Full Steel Tooth Polycarbonate Piston for Airsoft AEG

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Total: $33.99

BAAL Full metal 14 TOOTH PISTON Essential part for upgrading your airsoft AEG PSEM reinforced steel teeth piston. 14 full teeth design for high straight gear set. Lightweight piston with high impact-durability Suitable for mainstream high-speed tune-up and has excellent operational characteristics Reinforced piston provide extra duration during rapid & prolonged firing Suitable for Airsoft Electric AEG all gearbox version As always, when upgrading an AEG, it requires the necessary skills & technique to dissemble the gearbox consult an expert if needed Color Blue Weight - 30g Material - Nylon Polymer & Steel


  • 14 tooth piston
  • High impact polycarbonate construction
  • Durable full steel teeth

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