ASP Airsoft Spare Magazine For Shadow Op Series Sniper Rifles

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$ 24.19

Total: $24.19

Spare Magazine for UTG WELL TSD Mauser Maruzen Type96 MB01 MB04 MB05 APS2 Shadow Op Sniper Rifles

Spare Magazine for: All WELL MB-01 MB-04 MB-05 and compatible models.

  • Shadow Op Sniper rifle series by UTG, Matrix, Bravo, TSD.
  • Softair Mauser SR Series
  • Maruzen, WELL or other WELL OEM, UTG, TSD, UKARMS, Bravo, Matrix.

Not for double eagle M59 series.

Capacity: 30 rounds.

Ammo Type:Airsoft
Magazine Capacity:30

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