A&K 1500 Round Box Magazine For M249 Series

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$ 74.11

Total: $74.11

This is the compact version of the box magazine for A&K M249 series AEG rifles with 1500 round bb capacity and is covered in a camouflage fabric casing for an authentic and aggressive new look!


  • Compatible with A&K Classic Army and other similar M249s
  • 1500 round capacity reduces reloads on the field
  • Canvas covering gives it a more realistic appearance
  • Pressure switch winding capability
Dimensions: 5.5" x 3.5" x 2.5"
Compatibility: A&K, Classic Army and other compatible M249 Airsoft AEGs
Capacity: 1500 rounds
Winding Mechanism: Pressure Switch
Battery: Proprietary, integrated rechargeable

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