Replica Air Guns

17.25 Inch Bullseye Target Paper

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$ 37.99

Total: $37.99

Shoot, splat and see. Pro-shot splatter targets make it easy to see your shots at a distance. The bright color bullet holes are visible in all light conditions without the aid of binoculars or spotting scopes, covering both short and long ranges. What makes them more reliable is their self-adhesive back that will allow you to place the target with ease. The included repair pasters will also maximize the life of your targets so you can re-use them more than once before discarding any.


  • 17.25" Bullseye Target
  • Pack of 5
  • Splatter shot- Bullet holes are revealed with bright green color rings
  • Superior Adhesive Peel and Stick target
  • 28 Black/12 Red Target Pasters for extended use

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